Komentar :
Rizka Putri (14/04/2018 05:38)
The bar similar to what japan has "small and nice" so give my approve to that. BUT i dont like the fact that they use wood cheap chopstick. It's nonsense! Also the taste it's not as good as their look. Would give them one star becuz i saw a BUG in my counter, but give them 3 stars instead for the affordable price. Hopefully thet manage to improve their quality..
Johan Subagio (06/04/2018 07:16)
Not bad for sushi bar. The menu was delicious. The service is good. But the bar is too small.
Iqbal Rifqi (01/04/2018 11:18)
Varian menu sangat banyak. Harga relatif murah untuk ukuran makanan jepang. Pelayanan cepat, tanggap, dan ramah. Lokasi mudah diakses karena berada di dalam mall, hanya saja ukuran tempatnya yang sangat kecil dan tidak memungkinkan untuk makan orang banyak.
dwi sari (13/02/2018 11:18)
Love the taste of their sushi menu, fresh and yummy!
Bram Hari (17/03/2017 16:59)
I love sushii..one and onlyfirst in malang town!!