Komentar :
Refki sanjaya (07/11/2020 08:25)
Really recommended for those who like orchids. There are various species of orchids and ornamental plants.
Ariani Setyaningsih (25/10/2020 03:01)
Many orchid collections. Staff are friendly. The owner of Lak Budi was kind and patient explaining the details of the orchids. Parking space is a bit difficult. The location is a bit far from the main road. Prices are pretty good
Germana Meina (22/09/2020 15:37)
Khoirul Mawahib (13/01/2020 10:51)
Orchid is just ordinary, the price is expensive2 g as expected, many are affected by the disease ??
Salma Dascha (18/04/2017 22:58)
Hovi u
Hendi Putra (24/05/2018 03:45)
Menjual berbagai macam bunga hias dan anggrek. Molai dari bibit botol, seedling, remaja, dewasa dan berbunga.
Akhmat Yulianto (18/05/2018 06:12)
Jual macam2 bibit anggrek dan lain2
Bagus Riyam (07/05/2018 11:47)
Sedia berbagai jenis tanaman anggrek disini, pelayanan ramah
kurniadi setiawan (10/03/2018 02:23)
Dekat dengan rumah
INFO UNIK (20/10/2017 01:17)
Deva Redo (05/10/2017 09:19)
viewnya bagus
Bambang Sunaryo (11/08/2017 13:54)
Cukup bagus untuk dikunjungi
Produsen Camilan Triaji Langgeng Jaya Lestari (27/01/2017 02:12)
monggo mampir