Komentar :
Farrel Rizki Askarillah (13/04/2018 12:28)
saya pun sekolah di situ☺☺☺☺
Kayla Zahra Aurellia (14/10/2017 10:12)
Sucy Aurelya (26/05/2017 22:08)
Outsider Timur (05/12/2015 11:42)
Istu Handayani (06/08/2015 10:54)
I'm impressed with the program proposed by the school to satisfy the students' and parents' expectation. I wish that sending my son to this school become the best decision that I've made for his future. Go IGS for success!
Wahyu Leo (27/02/2014 01:11)
Dengan Sistem Full Day, karakter anak bisa mudah dibentuk melalui lingkungan sekolah yang islami, latihan disiplin dan daya tahan belajar, dan pembiasaan perilaku mulia serta adanya sinergi pendidik dan siswa yang intensif.