Komentar :
Umi Proboyekti (27/05/2018 07:46)
Comfy atmos
The Great Company (08/05/2018 23:45)
Comfortable Place for sleep In magelang, cheap room, clean , car parking , but you must show your Maried ID legality
Har Sasono (09/04/2018 22:28)
Clean and wide parking area at reasonable price. Good for group such as reunion. Big aula for wedding is also available.
Dodik Irawan (02/03/2018 08:17)
Good Place. Nice Service
Haleluya Hutabarat (16/02/2018 16:19)
A nice meeting place
Julijanta Gunawan (16/12/2017 09:23)
Wisma Sejahtera is function hall in Magelang area. It's located inside a small alley. Make sure you check your GPS before turning as it might lead to very small road. :)
Anyway, the building is new & clean. Parking is enough for less than 100 cars inside the compound.
The hall might be 40x20m with clean toilet on the right side (outside the main building) and special section for catering service.
Rudi Djaja (21/11/2017 23:40)
best place to stay in magelang, tasty food
Nuraksa Makodian (15/10/2017 02:37)
Nice clean place
taufan hermawan (03/10/2017 02:55)
Budget friendly next to my home
Juliono Seloatmodjo (25/09/2017 15:22)
Nice Place
Damien Sutanto (02/07/2017 11:11)
Cheap, with hot water and AC
Ratna Widyasari (21/06/2017 12:07)
serene place with budget rate
turah manik (27/04/2017 04:55)
Jussac Hendranata (18/03/2017 00:55)
Nice and friendly
Yosias Nugroho Wijaya (24/01/2017 00:50)
Its in the heart of the City.. clean, neat, tidy..
yohanes kurniadi (11/01/2017 09:52)
Gedungnya menarik.. Pas buat acara manten meet and greet.. Pelayanan memuaskan. Pegawai ramah ramah
Budimoeljono Reksosoesilo (22/12/2016 14:56)
good place
Mukti Yudo Prasonto (23/11/2016 05:05)
Nice dream in here
sutrisno harianto (25/11/2016 15:54)
Tempat istirahat dan kegiatan yang nyaman dengan lokasi tengah kota Magelang
Alfan Ipan (29/08/2016 14:45)
Hotel bintang 5
Triardi (14/03/2016 02:53)
Bersih indah.... Dari jalan raya masuk gang sedikit... Nyampe...