Komentar :
akhmat basori (03/06/2018 03:27)
Recommended untuk berbuka puasa. Disediakan menu takjil gratis yg cuku lengkap mulai es buah, minuman hangat hingga beberapa jenis gorengan. Rasa masakan enak kemarin sempat mencoba beed ribs nya. Tempatnya cukup luas, cocok untuk acara ramai-ramai maupun juga bersantai bersama keluarga. Pada hari-hari tertentu sepertinya ada live music
Chindikia Ilhami (23/05/2018 15:47)
The menus are interesting and delicious but for student,and especially who live in boarding house this place isn't recomend but the price is expensive.
Paramita Astari (16/05/2018 08:37)
Good menu's. Nice coffe. But please tell the staff to greet properly and have a good service standart.
Ester Luberingtyas (05/04/2018 15:37)
Nice place, most western food n beverage. There is also pizza
yoffie kahn (14/03/2018 15:07)
Cozy place to chit chat with family
Ervien Dyah Soebekti (16/02/2018 13:48)
Nice place, delicious food, recomended photo
Jamesjayden Linn (06/02/2018 07:34)
Nive place nice food wokey price
Nila Kurniasari (17/11/2017 05:41)
Nice ambience, delicious pizza, awful steak
Irfan Ariq (06/11/2017 23:24)
Nice moment capturing spot with a tasty foods!
duta radia Republica (25/11/2017 13:54)
tempat nongkrong asik
anggriawan dwi nuranto (14/10/2017 12:51)
Pelayanannya cepat,
hanif novrandhita (04/09/2017 13:27)
swasti maharani (22/08/2017 09:46)
nice place for hanging out
Ayu Agustina Pertiwi (10/07/2017 02:35)
Murah,enak,instagramable,juara dah