Komentar :
EVI YANTHI (14/10/2020 05:49)
There are all kinds of knick-knacks home needs .. complete and cheap
julika j69 (04/10/2020 12:05)
Sales items are quite complete, easy to reach the place. waiters and cashiers are also busy (sometimes) using local language / dealek that is easy to hear. Moreover, on the same route there are many lined up of food / vegetables sellers who are now popular with the Abepura and surrounding communities (buffet)
Eko Purwanto79 (27/07/2019 13:12)
Tempat belanja lengkap antaranya:
•perlengkapam ultah
•perlengkapan pramuka
•Kain kafan
•jajan kering
•alat kebersihan
LEO DEWATA (10/07/2019 05:16)
Complete for find goods
Ansarina RabiulAkhir (30/06/2019 08:10)
Di samping toko ada lapangan Voli yang untuk pertama kalinya saya bersama ODOJer mencoba memanah.
Ahad, 30/06/2019.
Berselina Eleuwyaan (22/06/2019 13:43)
Cheap place to buy things
Aji Abu Fathurrohman (18/06/2017 14:42)
yusran andju (09/09/2019 23:40)
Ditempat ini bisa ditemukan berbagai macam kebutuhan rumah tangga..
LABEPA LAHIR BESAR PAPUA (10/07/2019 05:16)
Complete for find goods
Lina Eleuwyaan (22/06/2019 13:43)
Cheap place to buy things
Misdal Muchlis (12/06/2018 12:33)
Serba ada
Budi Yutomo (11/06/2018 15:16)
Minimarket di Abepura
Riza Octaria (13/02/2018 02:29)
Swalayan grosir keperluan sembako dan rumah tangga
Ari Fachri (10/09/2017 23:43)
Pindah ke jalan Veteran no 8, tidak jauh dari tempat semula
AG Memar (16/06/2017 07:51)