Komentar :
Teddy Surya Winata (28/04/2018 17:53)
Pempek paling enak di gorontalo
Vildi Gumanto (17/04/2018 17:35)
Pempek berkelas internasional, rasa sangat Sriwijaya! Sangat murah untuk rasa sekelas ini. Di kota Palembang sekalipun akan sulit mencari tandingan pempek Mang Cek Rio. Warung sangat sederhana, tapi bersih dan nyaman.
aphet pipod pipod (04/04/2018 14:37)
Mido Gustaf Santana (08/03/2018 10:22)
This place gave a sufficiently tasteful of Palembang's Pempek.
I havent found any apot in this town that could rival this place.
If you really wanted western indonesia's food.
You should try this place.
I like the tekwan here