Komentar :
Arya Rendezvous (24/05/2020 14:09)
Just exit the toll and you arrived by turn left a couple block, quite big hospital with many facilities to help sick people to become healthy. Parking spot, ATM inside, 24 hour ICU, next to gas station if you want to fill the tank. Accept healthcare public-private insurance also manageable information and easy to get, stat fit.
Azhari Maulana (18/01/2020 10:20)
Not recommended at all. Just use this Hospital as last option.
Petrus Paulino (12/10/2019 00:10)
Some bad service, I came with hypogligemic shock patient but no monitoring device
The emergency ask 'why you bring him here?'
Come on, is this important question in urgent condition???
M. Rizal Ridhal Malik (12/05/2018 04:06)
Yup clean Hospital.
Bayu Pratama (14/12/2017 01:47)
The BPJS service is good, although the procedure is rather tiring. But for some reason if you are a BPJS user and you need a advanced treatment (like CT Scan) you must prepared to be disapointed since they always said that the equipments are broken.
Parlin Pakpahan (27/03/2017 13:12)
Rumahsakit Graha Permata Ibu (RS GPI)
This is a private hospital. Though it's also serves patients Askes.
Nice place, accessible from all directions and close to the UI. Shortly highway that connects the tol Cijago, Jagorawi, Juanda, Kukusan Beji, directly to the south of Jakarta will be completed. This toll road passes next to RS GPI.
RS GPI park is quite extensive. Whom still feels less is counter service which needs to be improved, namely counter BPJS and service counter Medications. For permanent patient as sick Stroke, Alzheimer's, Arthritis and so on, it seems less feasible if the patient's health insurance only allotted 1 week drug, not for one month drug as usually.
Also needs to be improved is a security guard. It was strange when taking photos of hospital prohibited and must ask for permission first. Clearly this is hospital for public service and not the military installations and the like that can not be photographed. Populist bit of it that's very important.
However the moderate hospital like RS GPI is quite helpful, because it has a number of specialists, radiology and laboratory blood tests.
rozanah ahmad (31/10/2017 03:17)
Customer service nya judessssss
Reza Firmansyah, S.Si. (16/02/2018 17:17)
A nicely-made hospital
Edi Kintoko (11/05/2017 08:24)
Achmad Shobari (26/03/2017 07:30)
Cukup rapi cuman tempat duduk di ruang tunggunya banyak tapi dempet dempetan jadi kurang nyaman dengan tamu yg lain. Ruang tunggu saya pikir mirip food court. Untuk tunggu administrasi pembayaran dll rasanya lama. Billingnya lama nih
yos dedy (30/01/2017 23:04)
Pelayanan bagus. Terutama untuk dr.jantung Eko. excellent. sabar mau diajak konsultasi.
Mohon dibenahin system pengambilan no.pendaftaran yang harus antri pagi.2. subuh. masih ada calo antrian.
Ary Wahyudi (29/12/2016 07:21)
Secara umum, pelayanan Rumah Sakit (RS) ini sangat baik. Kurang lebih 2 (dua) bulan lalu, anak saya yang berumur 20 bulan menjalani operasi Hidrokel di RS ini. Menggunakan BPJS Kesehatan, operasi yang dilakukan oleh tim dokter dan perawat, yakni dr. Edi Setiyoso, SpB, dr. Wida Herbinta, Sp.An, dan dr. Rastra, Sp.A., MKes., serta perawat instrumen (scrub nurse) dan perawat sirkuler (circulating nurse), berlangsung dengan sangat lancar. Hasil operasi dan jahitannya terlihat baik dan rapi. Dokternya pun terbilang sangat ramah dan sangat informatif ketika menjelaskan segala sesuatu tentang operasi ini. Perawatnya pun ramah2. Untuk kamar rawat inap Kelas 1, di RS ini terbilang cukup nyaman dengan beberapa catatan. RS ini cukup bersih, harapannya masih dapat lebih ditingkatkan lagi kualitas kebersihannya. Tanpa mengurangi kepuasan saya, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dibenahi terkait dengan pelayanan antrian sistem BPJS Kesehatan di rumah sakit ini, sebaiknya seluruh sistem pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan dapat dilakukan secara online, sehingga dapat mengurangi jumlah antrian. Untuk kamar rawat inap Kelas 1 dengan pasien anak kecil berumur 20 bulan sebaiknya ada tempat tunggu buat orang tua pasien, minimum seperti sofa. Demikian beberapa masukan saya, alhamdulillah, kondisi kesehatan anak saya saat ini dalam keadaan bugar. Terima kasih RS Graha Permata Ibu untuk pelayanan kesehatannya.
Maulana Gituri (16/07/2016 08:17)
the masjid is located behind the main building
Nur Qolbyati Jannah (02/05/2015 16:25)
jaga malam again with Ria...
bzo bj (09/01/2015 17:18)
best place