Komentar :
Adi Linggapura (18/07/2018 02:57)
redrina_by_erpw ERPW (06/01/2018 01:28)
This place definitely need better arrangement so it is better for the patients, so they don't have to wait to long. It also needs better facilities especially toilets and playground for kids who are waiting for their appointment.
fathimah sulistyowati (30/12/2017 11:49)
The doctors are nice, but somehow some nurses and staffs aren't as friendly. Expect to wait for +/- 1-2 hour for a medical consultation (non-emergency).
Agil Oktora (12/12/2017 16:21)
Good Healt Center
acie kusa (18/10/2017 01:07)
Not goid in service
Samuel Penyami (03/10/2017 12:50)
Some new patients will confused because there is no signs where to go. And people will confused what to do when in a line up machine. But they have a very kind doctors
ADN08 VLOG (18/07/2018 02:57)
Rina Supakso (06/01/2018 01:28)
This place definitely need better arrangement so it is better for the patients, so they don't have to wait to long. It also needs better facilities especially toilets and playground for kids who are waiting for their appointment.
acie acie (18/10/2017 01:07)
Not goid in service
chrismahargia H (24/11/2017 09:48)
muchlishine dee wain (26/09/2017 18:34)
Suer Anywhere (20/09/2017 17:09)
Tidak tersedia tempat parkir. Tapi utk layanan ya bolehlah.
Dody Muhadi (20/09/2017 05:29)
Toop gedung barunya
dito hernandito (29/08/2017 02:21)
Skrg puskesmas ini pelayanannya lbh tertib, antrean nya jls tdk semrawut
Keramik Metriza (07/05/2017 01:39)
Fasilitasnya lumayan lengkap. Tapi antriannya terlalu panjang. Sebaiknya tenaga medisnya ditambah
Ahmad Zoelay (04/05/2017 02:53)
Yeni Widya (13/03/2017 05:19)
Jadwal untuk periksa bumil hari apa aja yaa...apa tiap hr krj bs periksa..saya warga dki tp tinggal di depok diterima ga ya periksa di sini..thanks yg mau jawab..
muhammad hardiyono (07/11/2016 07:54)
poor, bad,
Fadly Irsyad (12/10/2016 15:24)
Minum es di depan puskesmas pancoran mas menyegarkan... Sambil nunggu antrian puskesmas... Harganya termasuk murah tapi rasa dawet nya itu lho menyegarkaaannnn.... Buat rekomended bgt nih...
Syaiful Akhyar (29/08/2016 01:07)
Loket bpjs tidak dipisah..jadi antri nomer aj lama banget...
Muhamad Rheza Dpk (22/08/2016 04:27)
Pelayanannya kurang baik
Apalagi staff di loket untuk kia super duper judes...tidak ada ramah2nya dengan pasien.
Tolonglah di training lgi untuk para staffnya bagaimana greating dgn pasien.jangan makan gaji buta...
Maulana Nurhadi (07/07/2016 13:57)
Area tunggu pasien kurang luas. Fasilitas speaker kurang jumlah. Saran : datang lebih pagi sebelum banyak pasien. Lahan parkir untuk motor kurang luas, untuk mobil tidak ada.