Komentar :
Harry Gunawan (18/05/2018 11:53)
my daughter fav one 😂
Ocky Shu (06/05/2018 12:59)
not very large for waterpark... the swimming pool only 25 meter length and 15 meter wide..
Thomas Y Gunarto (01/05/2018 17:55)
Safe guard sigap, bersih
Joe Hans (24/04/2018 13:40)
Spacious water park in Cimanggis, near from home too
utomo rabino (16/04/2018 11:51)
The Cool Water Park...
Arinaldo Edo (25/03/2018 15:13)
Tempatnya lumayan bagus sih, banyak taman dan wisatanya cuma kurang tertata aja dan banyak bangunan yang belum jadi semoga segera rampung ya terimaakasih
Evven Kurniawan karsono (20/03/2018 14:55)
My fren working here
linuxarie linuxarie (24/02/2018 03:30)
Quite good for family,
Surya Yoga (03/01/2018 10:18)
Very Have fun
Lita Meirliawaty (30/12/2017 00:17)
We went there on holiday season, it was a week day day and they charge us quite an expensive ticket for unpleasent experience. Turbid on the water, seems like it's been days they haven't clean the pool. The sliding pool were rusty and the tile edge on the sliding pool were sharp or it has not unwrap neatly soo it injured one of my kid, and I have to take her into the medic room to stop the bleeding. There's no olympic size pool for expert swimmer!
No variety of meal on the food court, when you're on the urge to eat... just eat those instant cup noodle!
I'd rather take my family to my favorite sport centre!
Deni Suprasetio (24/10/2017 05:31)
Iwenx Riri (04/10/2017 13:52)
It's a part from green lake. The building is new, but there is not much space for activity.
Junaidi Eko Lesmana (21/09/2017 03:25)
Oke kita ttess
Dhea Febriani (18/09/2017 07:15)
tempat ini masih baru tapi tangga menuju wahananya sudah berkarat, bahaya.
Grosir Botol Kaca (16/07/2017 03:18)
Waterpark Depok
Nana Sumarna (07/07/2017 14:24)
Tempat strategis dekat dari rumah,,,tmpat permainan anak"bagus
Samsuri Suri (27/06/2017 05:55)
lumayan lah tapi trlalu mhl bwt pribumi
Diah Meliani (02/06/2017 07:57)
Harga terjangkau. Lokasi strategis dekat dari rumah. Tempatnya luas, bersih, nyaman juga. Tapi agak gersang ya panas.
Bunda Dikafira (11/05/2017 04:59)
Pas kesini tuh lagi weekend,rame bgtt tp ttp enak kok renangnya.mantaappps
Alya Aisyah (13/04/2017 14:41)
Luar biasa temptnya bersih pengwas'y banyak pokonya puas deh harga ekonomis GK perlu ragu LG deh..Soalya aq bru banget smper rmh nih bis berenang di water park Green lake view..Semoga wahan ombaknya cepet di kerjain ya biar seru LG..Harga ttp ya😂😉||nambahin aaah ruang gantinya bersih luas keren daaaah..Semoga ttp bersih n tidak kotor😊
Ika Novitataaaaaaaaa (08/04/2017 03:04)
Htmnya kalo hari weekand sama weekday brp ya ko blm terupdate..
Adek Shavcky (21/02/2017 10:21)
Sepi sepi tapi enak
Usep Kurnia (11/02/2017 07:09)
Masih sepi pengunjung jd puas