Komentar :
adhika pelagosa (09/06/2018 09:17)
Not recommended!! Kalian yg mau apes sih yaudah kesini aja, estimasi awal sih boleh 750rb eh pas udah jadi jegrek tanpa agreement jd sejute gilee. . Sorry to say bengkel ini not recommended
Dicky Hilman (28/05/2018 06:14)
Service cepat standar part Denso
Deddy Depari (17/02/2018 08:02)
Sangat direkomendasikan untuk perbaikan ac merk denso. High quality.
Bayu Pratama (21/01/2018 03:31)
Best car AC service Center in Depok, the mechanics are infortmative and give you the detail of your AC problem, not just said 'you should replace this one set'. but it'll be better if the spareparts prices can be far more affordable than the existing authorized service center.