Komentar :
Rio Alfajri (24/04/2018 12:54)
One of the best choices travel to go from Bandung to Depok. We also can send our packages to Depok using this travel if we are in hurry.
Arinaldo Edo (16/04/2018 04:36)
tempat nya naik turun travel samping bank bni46 udh recommended Paling dket soalnya
muhammad iqbal (25/01/2018 15:05)
Have been using this travel agent for 4 years, and their service always nice. Goodluck for aya travel, thankyou for your service
Farisa Amo (24/01/2018 00:43)
This is Commercial transportation sarved by private sector. The destinatuon of this travel is Bandung-Depok and Depok-Bandung.
If you are student, u will get discount.
You can book via telp or WhatsApp..
Tonny Soel (01/01/2018 12:02)
The traveling car should be important,changes with like Toyota Hiace,i think the passanger is more increase
goofy groove (31/10/2017 04:29)
Average place with average hospitality and cheaper price if compare to the others travel services. With 85k IDR you got the seat but that's it. Only the seat no drinks no snacks or candies. What do you expect from cheap price, eh?
Ahmad Ashari (15/12/2017 16:40)
Saya baru sekali pakai ini dan pelayanannya baik. Ada layanan pesan via WhatsApp, tidak perlu uang pangkal, perjalanan nyaman. Hanya saja waktu keberangkatan sedikit telat sekitar 10 menit karena saat itu menunggu penumpang yang lain. Selebihnya tempat duduk nyaman walau memang termasuk tipe travel yang menggunakan mobil elf dengan kapasitas penumpang lebih dari sepuluh penumpang. Sehingga cukup dekat jarak antar penumpang. Tapi kualitas yang diberikan sepadan bahkan dapat dikatakan lebih oke dengan harga yang terbilang murah bila dibandingkan dengan beberapa travel lain. Dan travel yang memfasilitasi perjalanan Bandung-Depok pulang-pergi ini memberikan kemudahan tanpa harus melalui Jakarta. Sehingga dapat menjadi alternatif transportasi yang menarik.
Samuel Tambunan (23/11/2017 07:12)
I recommend to pick the large bus one. The small one is not very comfortable.
Dien Mochammad (05/10/2017 10:25)
Travel dengan harga bersaing dengan rute depok-bandung (tamansari), kendaraan armada juga nyaman.
Yulian Rizki Prananda (16/07/2017 09:31)
Favorite travel when need to go to Depok vv Bandung. Friendly staff. There is special discount for eldery. It located before BNI Building in Margonda.
fajar sulistyaningsih (12/07/2017 07:55)
You can order the ticket via whatsapp, so it is convenient. Staffs are helpful. You can find small food stalls near the waiting area. The cars are usually ontime.
Ketut Catur (24/06/2017 10:07)
After a few years the cars are getting better.... the waiting room is too small. The hotline service is bad, I have too wait hours for a simple reply via WA and they didn't pick up my call.
Isaac Hahn (09/06/2017 22:10)
Nice. Good service. Good car too. Not as bad as baraya.
DEBY RINA (03/05/2017 01:00)
yahya abdulhakim (25/04/2017 08:32)
Goof service
ulfa octaviani (18/04/2017 06:48)
same like the bandung one, been loyal customer for years cuz of friendly staff
Ilhamullah Sunardi (06/02/2017 01:39)
Muhammad Harland (30/01/2017 09:55)
Cheap travel vehicle from Depok to Bandung and vice versa with affordable price. As per 30 January 2017 price is as attached.
Arifin M. Susanto (09/12/2016 05:05)
One and only Bandung travel tour nearby Depok terminal
Novi Yulianti (15/10/2016 02:44)
Setiyawan Agus (27/08/2016 19:51)
Mohamad Fajar Daud (15/11/2016 23:13)
Lumayan murmer travelnya, cuma beda 5ribu dari bus bdg depok
Muhtar Potter (27/09/2016 06:05)
Tempatnya agak masuk ke dalam. Namun didepan margonda ada penunjuk arah. Lumbayan luas untuk parkir penjemput maupun travel itu sendiri. Harga tiket travelnya 85 ribu.
Bambang Wijiatmoko (04/08/2016 14:56)
Ini transport cukup konsisten dan murah
Isa Azahari (17/07/2016 21:13)
Help us transport to Bandung from depok
Rinando Aidil fitrio (03/06/2016 12:48)
Jasa travel Depok - Bandung PP. Harga menengah ke bawah, @Rp75.000/orang.
Ada tempat Sholat di dalamnya.
Sebaiknya telepon/WA sebelum datang ke lokasi. 20160603.
Irawan Prayoga (21/04/2016 02:46)
Aya Travel jadi alternatif murah meriah untuk perjalanan Depok - Bandung. Ruang tunggu di sini kecil dan kurang nyaman, tapi ada fasilitas free Wi-Fi yang kenceng. Ada tempat sholat juga. Lokasinya agak berada di belakang bank BNI.
ColdMid Inc. (29/04/2015 09:42)
setuju @bang luthfi.... saya kontak ke nomor bandung & depok, tak ada satupun yg nyambung. Sayang banget !! offline terusss