Komentar :
dwi hatmaja (09/03/2018 05:53)
Kid's Book Indonesia (31/01/2018 07:11)
I (as a new member of Bali Mendongeng) joined Awicarita Festival held in Penggak Men Mersi in October 2017. It's a dreamy place with balinese painting decoration, traditional Barong (still actively used for dancing) and a community full of teenagers. They are very friendly and full of local story and culture goodness. After the event, they also clean up together harmoniously. Good job!
Ardy Adi (12/01/2017 16:25)
The art of balinese..
Chrizt Ferdyanto (02/08/2016 05:37)
Debby Lukito G. (17/07/2016 15:56)
Culture house that is kids-friendly
Santosa Pidada (16/11/2016 16:06)
Tempat utk menambah kreatifitas, dan terbuka utk umum. Tempatnya asik dengan desain yg antik dan unik
Gustu Dhirot Sasmika (28/08/2016 10:02)
Cocok utk wisata edukasi akhir pekan yg menarik mengenai kebudayaan lokak setempat
Debby Lukito G (17/07/2016 15:56)
Culture house that is kids-friendly