Komentar :
erwin ardiansyah (01/05/2018 09:51)
Not bad
Harvin Thedeolin Finsen (28/04/2018 03:23)
Most of the time out of fuel. Have no idea why they do not operate it fully.
Patrick Luhut (30/11/2017 14:38)
One of many gas stations with bad reputation in Denpasar.
The location is very good for a gas station; easy to spot with convenient access. It also has several ATMs for your need.
The waiting line is medium, it takes upto 15 minutes in normal time for the service.
The station has plenty of pumps with relatively new unit. Nothing wrong so far.
The problem is the human here. Do not forget the amount of money you give. And more important is to keep your eyes on pump meter, it has to be reset everytime
Putu Widyasena (26/08/2017 01:41)
bad services
afif artanto (19/06/2017 21:14)
Impolitely services.
Yanto Brutal33 (09/06/2017 13:24)
Navyanto Arasma (28/02/2017 20:18)
The sun wasn't even down yet but they already ran out of the stock and closed.
Nisga Vianus (11/06/2017 10:04)
Kamar mandinya cuma satu yg bisa dipakai dan closet jongkok...
Daffa Jagad (04/05/2017 04:20)
Stok bahan bakar nya sering habis
Ganis SETI (16/03/2017 10:19)
Area Pom Bensinnya kecil dan layanan buka tutupnya terkadang terlalu cepat.
Agunk Eka (12/03/2017 06:42)
Tempatnya luas, lokasi strategis, sering ramai & stok bensin sering habis mungkin gara2 lokasinya yg strategis
Aldi Shugaray (31/12/2016 09:15)
gak sampe malam bensin udah habis terutama pertamak cepet skali habisnya,, coba dong di perbanyak lagi setoknya tangki nya di perbesar lagi biar bisa isi banyak,, kalo bisa SPBU ini buka 24jam itu lebih bagus karna tempatnya strategis dan orang bisa mudah menjangkau tempat ini gak perlu jauh jauh cari SPBU,,
Erik Feri Fadli (22/12/2015 03:27)
Good services
dedi schatzi (01/12/2016 06:25)
Pengisian PASTI PAS
Thewisest Okesop (01/12/2016 05:47)
stoknya cepet habis ni pom bensin, tangkinya besarin
Doel Pique (27/10/2016 01:26)
Sangat buruk...
Pelayanan sangat buruk...
Buruk... buruk... buruk...
Karyawan banyak hanya du2k...
Berbincang sama teman...
Tidak niat utk bekerja...
Premium, pertalite habis tidak ada tulisan ataupun pemberitahuan dr karyawan...
Sangat tidak disarankan kesini...
Jabrik Barokah (06/10/2016 13:03)
Ramai terus
Wihono Gustan (20/07/2016 07:26)
Tempat bagus, bersih. Tapi bahan bakarnya kosong.
Nanang Berag (11/07/2016 13:55)
tempat strategis tapi kurang kelihatan dari teuku umar
Aditya Ferdika (09/07/2016 10:49)
Pelayanan bagus tapi sering kosong bensinnya