Komentar :
tre 134 (28/05/2018 04:44)
Amcho Rizal (20/05/2018 16:53)
andree tonkzenk (01/05/2018 05:24)
many kind activity you can do here, such as, jogging, aerobic, walking and children playground and the most interesting is, there so many pet community meet here...
Wijaya Handoko Tjahjadi (30/04/2018 01:59)
Good for relax a while
widie kurniawan (19/04/2018 10:24)
simple family recreation
Muhammad Fahri Ridho (11/04/2018 23:26)
qadry qade (29/03/2018 05:30)
Nice place to rest
Saefudin Sardi (09/02/2018 05:55)
Small but tidy, a place where Cimahi children play and take a breathe for fresh air.
Ganiar Oktaviansyah (04/10/2017 08:51)
Not bad for playing kids,,,, fresh air alot of trees
Oman Sughandi (05/07/2017 00:11)
Its a little humble park located near Dustira hostipal. During nighttime almost the whole park illuminated with big lamps. Theres slides and swings for children but theres no food kiosk except the ones outside the park near a primary school during schooldays.
vicky achmad (09/12/2017 14:02)
not very good at the moment
Budi Riyanto (04/12/2017 13:27)
Yugo Sapta (12/08/2017 18:39)
Great place for relax on outdoor
Mujiono Ajie Minarso (17/06/2017 15:04)
Park Place
Rachmansyah Adhi (21/02/2017 12:31)
Good place for spending time with your child.
Arham Mauriyat (22/01/2017 11:27)
Probably the first public park with a serious playground in Cimahi. Hope it lasts
Agung Nightcrawler (26/12/2016 03:04)
Stress relief
Oheem Mdin (05/12/2016 03:29)
M Zam Zam (24/07/2016 03:10)
Best place for relax. Available play ground for kids
Tri Sutrisno (23/08/2016 06:09)
semakin bagus setelah di pugar
Id Tandaid (08/08/2016 05:26)
Surgapokemon di cimahi
Iwan Kusnandar (02/08/2016 23:44)
Tin Tin Lestari (14/05/2016 12:29)
Enak bgt buat ngadem...tempatnya terbuka...buat yg parkir juga luas...suka ad yg jualan makanan tp gk bnyak...dipake jg sama anak2 SDN Baros buat main petal umpet hehe