Komentar :
septina muslimah (15/05/2018 16:28)
Seperti d besto pada umumnya, tetapi semakin kesini seperti lebih untuk delivery atau take away karena tempat makannya tidak terlalu membuat nyaman. Kalau malam tidak pernah kebagian sadas selalu habis.
Irgi Wijaya (05/02/2018 14:27)
Good food with reasonable price. I recommend to try their "Sadas" menu (aka spicy wings)
You can dine in or take away. It has a parking space so you can park your vehicle there.
Kazuto 86 (13/09/2017 11:49)
No delivery
Dadang Sudarsono (22/08/2017 05:31)
Ok to visit i have been there
Arif Harahap (29/06/2017 16:50)
They have enough menu for you who loves fried chicken with moderate prices