Komentar :
Sugeng Sugiarto (17/12/2019 04:16)
Excelent service
Wandah Kurniawan (29/08/2019 02:49)
The service is so good, the people's so warm, they have good facilities, and the process so fast, I recommend it for everyone near Blitar, especially people from Malang
AREMA MALANG (05/08/2019 22:46)
Alfian Krisna Ramdhani (13/11/2018 12:15)
This is an Immigration Office in Blitar, the exactly place is right in front of Srengat Market. From the main entrance, the security will ask, what is your purpose there, and if you are not the Paspor applicant / have no business you will get an escort ID. The staff at the main lobby is quite helpful and friendly, they will assist you with pleasure. For the Paspor applicant, after you fill the form, you should enter the main room and donโt forget to take your queue ticket. First, you will go to Customer Service to verify your document, then you will get a queue ticket for photo and interview. After that, you can pay at the Kantor Pos booth at the outside lobby. In the main room the provide little kids playground, dispenser plus tea, and also free charging area. The parking fee is free FYI.
Nunung Afuah (01/01/2018 14:38)
Since the new regulation is using online registration, the passport applicants has to know it without walk in interview. The issue is that somehow the website is not really working. The office needs to have a regulation board hold in many places in the entrance.
Namaku Dinnu (13/08/2017 02:45)
The office is right after the srengat market (in the right side if you come from blitar city) it will take around 30 minutes from the city.
Arya Wiraraja (24/06/2018 06:32)
Gud ea
Mas Dinnu (13/08/2017 02:45)
The office is right after the srengat market (in the right side if you come from blitar city) it will take around 30 minutes from the city.
Alexander Yzuped (06/01/2017 13:09)
Hichoc Indonesia (01/08/2018 23:44)
Petugas sangat ramah, pembuatan paspor cepat dan tidak ribet. Kuncinya, jujur dalam menjawab setiap pertanyaan.
Renaldi Amanda (21/06/2018 13:03)
Mau nanya ini kalo buat paspor baru (NEW) untuk kunjungan ke AMERIKA apa bisa
Fast respon
ๅฎtony (22/01/2018 02:39)
di saran kan daftar nomor antrian lewat online, karena mulai tanggal 17 november 2017 permohonan antrian paspor hanya bisa via online di antrian.imigrasi.go.id ๐๐๐
pengalaman saya perpanjang paspor dari paspor kerja ke paspor umum/ tour, lumayan lancar dan sedikit ada pertanyan2 "jebakan" saat wawancara.. hehehe tapi allhamdulillah semua lancar karena persyaratan lengkap
pelayanan bagus, tempat nyaman, antrian luas
overall.. not bad lahhh..
Muhammad Ikhwanul Hakim (16/01/2018 04:29)
Pertanyaan saat wawancar tiap kantor imigrasi itu tidak sama, kenapa? jadi pertanyaan tentang alasan pembuatan passpor itu basa basi aja atau memang ada protap nya sih sebenarnya. kenapa sebagian orang dipersulit sih saat proses pembuatan..
Nunung Afu'ah (01/01/2018 14:38)
Since the new regulation is using online registration, the passport applicants has to know it without walk in interview. The issue is that somehow the website is not really working. The office needs to have a regulation board hold in many places in the entrance.
Yusan Ahmadi (25/07/2017 04:08)
Datang sebelum jam 11 siang masih dapat antrean loket. Yang penting berkas sudah komplit, insyaAlloh semua lancar,jangan lupa dokumen asli dibawa semua, Ktp,kk,Akte lahir/ijazah terakhir. Fotocopy harus dengan kertas ukuran A4.
Suprianto Anto (30/05/2017 09:43)
Dulu Kantor Kawedanan (Kantor Pembantu Bupati)
Romi Cakra (16/05/2017 09:33)
Tempat nyaman (ruang tunggu luas dan dingin), petugas ramah ramah. Ada tempat menyusui, ada tempat bermain untuk anak anak, meski kecil.
Datang, ambil formulir, isi form, setorin, verifikasi berkas, foto, bayar di bank BNI seberang jalan, DONE!
Datang jam 8 pagi, beres jam 2 siang.
Tips: Datang lebih pagi, jam 8 sudah banyak yang antri dan setor berkas.
Thanks Imigrasi Blitar
Kamilia (24/01/2017 23:52)
Ngurus pasport lumayan cepat dan mudah, asal datang pagi, persyaratan lengkap.. 1-2 jam selesai. Tunggu 3 hari pasport jadi
rahma soka (17/01/2017 06:21)
Hari ini cuma pengambilan formulir dan tanya2 info pengurusan paspor. Besok kesana lagi sama ortu. Semoga lebih baik lagi pelayanannya
Arifin Samsul (07/01/2017 15:43)
Setelah bertahun2 urus paspor di kanim solo , srkarang tki saya uruskan paspor di sini. Gampang prosesnya
irham suhairi (25/11/2016 17:13)
Lumayan bagus
Puji Hartono (03/07/2016 07:48)
imigrasi bos
eka rockSIDers (27/06/2016 05:42)
Keren,sangat membantu saya.
Tri Hartanto (18/03/2016 09:57)
Pernah urus paspor disini
Andi Hasan (06/12/2015 12:50)
aplikasinya bagus,terbantu saya kalau mencari alamat. thank you