Komentar :
Maxi Sangka (30/09/2019 00:39)
Detty Bernadeth (20/04/2019 03:01)
If you need wifi hot spot, come to this place
Nadya Kim (19/04/2019 09:02)
The internet connection slows down when it's packed!
Rizky Mazwar Pratama (16/06/2018 15:27)
1 rule you live on port city Bitung. Like in manado they have Plaza too same use but on small scale.
Roland JD (01/01/2018 00:22)
wi-fi place and some people always in here for spend their time with Internet
Juan Said (04/10/2017 04:35)
Nice place for wifi hotspot
Mela Lahindo (19/05/2018 01:59)
Mudah ditemukan
Julio Mugama (18/01/2018 07:57)
rolando damopoli (01/01/2018 00:22)
wi-fi place and some people always in here for spend their time with Internet
onal 81 (01/12/2017 10:25)
Tempat mengambil berita dan keperluan browsing atau internet lain nya..sangat aman untuk pelajar mahasiswa dan karyawan
Don Karepouwan (16/11/2017 14:16)
Fandi Ansyu (24/09/2017 14:33)
Asyik dan mudah untuk mengakses jaringan internet
alvin ganesha (14/09/2017 01:51)
Nongkrong wifi.id
noel dalope (04/08/2017 08:07)
Bisa WiFi