Komentar :
Nathan Dinata (23/05/2018 11:23)
Harga produknya kompetitif,hanya tempat agak masuk kedalam sehingga agak sulit di Cari.
Richard Tanjaya (13/02/2018 16:06)
Nice place ,complete ,and cheap
Arnold Than (10/02/2018 01:05)
Untuk harga barang, terbilang cukup murah namun dari sisi fasilitas yang diberikan seperti tempat parkir atau pembayaran transaksi masih kurang memadai dan butuh waktu yang cukup lama mengantri dan menghabiskan waktu..
Untungnya bagi para pengguna motor yang parkir tidak dikenakkan biaya alias gratis yang membuat sejumlah orang rela menghabiskan waktu yang panjang di dalam untuk berbelanja....
Hari Kuang (14/01/2018 17:13)
A cozy, comfy shopping place.
It's especially popular among parents who love bringing their kids along when they shop because this place is equipped with arcade machines on its 1st floor.
There are also food sellers (Hok Lai Ice Cream, Nasi Lemak Awie), just in case you got hungry when you shop.
There are also accessories shops, toilets and deposit counter on this first floor.
Products stored in the 1st floor are canned - preserved - dried foods, personal care products, hygiene products, stationery, fresh fruits, milk and formula, coffee and tea, snacks, etc.
On the 2nd floor are Clothings, bags, tissue papers, cooking and eating utensils, housewares and tools, toys, decor items, etc.
A Lift is available to carry shoppers to and from this floor.
Surya Ramadani (08/01/2018 05:42)
Belanjanya murah
Puspita Sari (05/01/2018 15:13)
superr murah
Khalifa al Ard (21/05/2016 20:28)
parking lot is bad
Zulhida Yanti (31/10/2017 01:17)
Lengkap, murah, lebih cepat buka daripada supermarket lainnya...
ABRAR AR RUSYFA (30/06/2017 06:58)
Harganya lebih murah dibanding tempat belanja yang lain
Betty Wina (01/04/2017 13:58)
murah... lengkap....😄👍
Gilang Putra Hasian Manalu (12/02/2017 11:26)
Belanja murah walaupun gak mesti beli grosiran
Joy Romeilynn (21/10/2016 06:58)
murah....tapi utk yg mau parkir mobil agak susah
Budi Hartono (19/04/2016 15:17)
Terlalu jauh marketnya,malas mau kesana