Komentar :
Timothy hutabarat (02/08/2019 02:22)
Good crowd in Sunday morning sermon
Tarida Isabella (30/07/2019 09:42)
I am a baptized and confirmed member at this church, attending from sunday school until now, i never thought about moving to other churches
vonny kalalo (25/06/2019 07:46)
daniel manurung (27/12/2018 07:57)
This church has grown so big 👍🏻
Indra Aritonang (04/08/2018 23:37)
HKBP is typical of Bataknese Church..a nice place to worship 🙏🏼
dennis arnold (16/06/2018 10:34)
The place where I worship and pray
Duma Naomi (26/12/2017 04:06)
Nice place. There are 2 service languages, Bataknese and Bahasa Indonesia.
Rizqi Fauzan (27/10/2017 06:22)
Enrico Todo (30/07/2017 01:25)
Happy sunday
Johan Tampubolon (09/01/2016 06:44)
Every sunday, there are 5 services available. 2 service in Bataknese, 2 in Bahasa Indonesia, and 1 service for the younger demography.
Elisa Samantha Tobing (10/12/2015 07:29)
Been ten years that this church has been transforming into a more beautiful and comfortable place to worship God.
2 buildings - main building and Sunday school building.
The parking lot is very spacious therefore sufficient for people to park their cars and bikes.
Despite being a very big builiding, the access road is not very convenient since it's pretty small.
Anyhow, the place is just more than enough; considering there are many more churches that are not as proper as this church.
thamrin cianse (22/08/2017 13:18)
JS Manalu (11/06/2017 07:00)
Alex Chandra (07/05/2017 10:54)
syalom saya sudah puluhan tahun gereja di sini tmpt ya bagus nd nyaman orang2 ya juga ramah2 dan pendeta2 ya juga memberikan kotbah yg bagus semoga gereja hkbp ne semakin maju nd slalu dlm bimbingan tuhan amin
Adrian Adhy Santoso (06/04/2017 04:38)
Shaloom, Tuhan Yesus memberkati
Universitas Alam Raya (07/08/2016 13:40)