Komentar :
Happy Armadino (30/09/2019 12:10)
The workshop is a new workshop, there are more than 12 lines in total for your car.
The staff always show hospitality, with a good knowledge of mitsubishi car.
It is a part of Sun Star Group, so they show a high standard how to perform good service.
Located on the crowded area, at present condition heavy traffic is happening, as the goverment decided to build a new flyover near the workshop.
I suggest to visit on the morning time, before lunch.
Denny Chandra Hutagalung (02/02/2019 08:02)
Good service, friendly and cozy environment
Rudi Rimawan (21/05/2018 23:15)
Good service n nice showroom
devi augustha (09/05/2018 06:31)
good service
Guruh Subagya (03/02/2018 08:37)
Good marketing staff with detail information...
Agus Purwanto (26/05/2018 11:43)
Nico Ardian (14/05/2018 07:00)
Basit Santoso (08/05/2018 03:43)
Gedung bagus, pelayanan memuaskan dan ada Musholla-nya juga
Maman Suratman (20/04/2018 08:19)
sales terbaik (Bpk. Nugo) STNK dan BPKB cepat turun. service sangat ramah
chiyo hadiyanto (03/03/2018 08:01)
Bengkel minsubhisi
Hadiyanto Chiyo (20/02/2018 14:46)
Service nya cukup baik dan ramah.....
Fendy Haryanto (08/02/2018 12:50)
. cd
Prabu Aji Ramadhan (01/02/2018 06:55)
Dealer Sun Motor Group berkembang pesat...!!