Komentar :
Sinta Alfatah (10/10/2018 03:39)
The biggest in Baubau. So, it's one and only.
Annisa Marwati (21/09/2018 06:15)
It's a small shopping centre but the tenants are great
Farid Cahyo Darmansyah (12/09/2018 23:31)
Best place for shopping in the town
Bima Akbar (16/07/2018 05:03)
The 1st shopping mall in Buton. I can't write detailed review since I'm in a hurry. So I will try to sum it all up. Restaurant, coffee shop, clothing, shoes, video games arcade, supermarket. Big parking area, but no valet service. ATM. Mall located Next to Siloam hospital.
Fahar md (15/07/2018 09:18)
The only modern market in bau2
Maximus Pater (30/05/2018 08:24)
effendy horas (25/04/2018 13:57)
The first and only plaza in town
Rifal Alfiansyah (17/04/2018 10:53)
Terlalu banyak batasan. Seperti troli tidak bisa di bawa sampai diparkiran, tidak ada fasilitas tempat duduk.
Koko Adiyaksa (11/03/2018 06:34)
Standard mall. Only 1 floor which is understandable knowing the city is also small.
Ujang Purnama (10/03/2018 13:15)
Cozy place for hangout...
Latif Prasetyohadi (07/08/2017 13:34)
Best place in Baubau for shopping. It has Matahari, Cinemaxx, etc
Muhammad Husain (27/06/2017 11:22)
Small mall in the small city yet its the best place to spend your time or buy your daily needs..
fahar md (08/09/2017 07:51)
Best supermarket in town, cheap, with full of choice
anisa dewi (18/08/2017 14:06)
Small mall. One floor only. But enough to entertain. The cinema is cheaper here.
Andre Y.Akbar (24/07/2017 06:02)
the only shopping mall there...still brand new
Nelly Maramis (07/06/2017 12:25)
It's OK for a small city like Baubau
Ichsan Ichank (17/04/2017 13:56)
New alternative for spending your money
Trisnawati Rawu (12/03/2017 03:49)
Andi Jemma (09/03/2017 15:51)
Nice place in the far city
Malik Setra (22/02/2017 07:15)
cini cj (19/01/2017 09:01)
Mazmur Togar (15/01/2017 08:17)
Great place to spend time with your family. There are Resto, Movie Theater and Cafe in this mall.
Ade Bust (25/10/2016 15:01)
Tempat kunjungan buat refresing,, di lengkapi pusat perbelanjaan makan,,dan hiburan,, baik kalangan anak hingga dewasa,,dan di lengkapi dengan pelayanan yang memuaskan.. . Good job..
Deni Anggoleta (05/10/2016 05:07)
Lippo Plaza Buton sampai saat ini masih menjadi satu - satunya kawasan Pusat Perbelanjaan yang lengkap serta modern di Kota Baubau Pulau Buton. Di dukung dengan Tenant besar seperti Matahari Dept. Store, Hypermart, Cinemaxx serta Tenant kecil lainnya dan beberapa restoran nembuat Lippo Plaza Buton semakin ramai di kunjungi. Sayangnya, transportasi umum seperti Bus atau angkot dan transportasi masal belum tersedia di masyarakat masih mengandalkan transportasi pribadi dan ojeg. Beberapa tenant masih kosong serta Cinemaxx memberlakukan wajib beli snack saat menonton yang cukup di keluhkan masyarakat.
Arfahnuriadi Bahrun (03/10/2016 05:30)
Sebagai satu-satunya mall yang ada di kota bau-bau, mall ini menjadi pusat berbelanja dan tempat kumpul karena terdapat beberapa cafe yang nyaman
Agung Wijayanto Kresno Moerti (08/09/2016 14:07)
Daya beli masyarakat masih rendah nampak dr pengunjung yg lebih banyak cuma lihat2 saja
Jafar Aja (21/08/2016 03:58)
lpb bagus
Rezky Wardhana (19/08/2016 14:14)
tempat kerja
Ar Ul (06/06/2016 09:19)
Edwin Wirencius (13/05/2016 02:05)
Mall pertama Bau bau mantab lah
muh alfan salfan (04/03/2016 04:19)
Tempatnya bagus, tapi hanya 1 lantai
Yeni Rawosi (25/11/2015 09:51)
Lippo plaza buton