Komentar :
Agnes Dian (11/04/2018 19:44)
It's one of my go to visit list of 'Warung Pecel' in town. It offers only two menus: nasi pecel and nasi rawon (black meat soup). What makes this pecel is different than the other warungs, probably because of the richness of the vegetables served in a plate. You can have more than 7 kinds of veggies ( bean sprout, papaya leaves, young papaya, cucumber, kemangi, labu siam, young jack fruit, kecipir, etc) per portion. Moreover, the taste of the peanut sauce is superb!! Btw, kalau pesen seporsi pecel, harganya sudah termasuk dapat gorengan dua biji yang bebas pilih sendiri. Kalau lauk di luar gorengan, bakal kena charge tersendiri.
Arief Rakhman (03/03/2018 03:20)
Traditional food and natural taste
sunu farid lathif (11/01/2018 01:47)
To me, it is the best Pecel in town. Unbeatable
Fajar Abdi (12/12/2017 14:47)
Nice place to get breakfast
Robby Soeyanto (01/10/2017 02:23)
Very delicious pecel and rawon with reasonable price. This restaurant is very popular among students.
Warning: sold out fast!