Komentar :
afandi (28/05/2018 09:15)
menu banyak yg tidak bisa dipesan..
Sis Cisindo (30/01/2018 11:57)
Happy every Day smile..
Aji Putra (11/11/2017 08:25)
Good place for all range of age, has a cozy feels and the food is pretty nice
Agus Sutiono (18/07/2017 01:05)
Love the coffee but the latte very unpleasant
damayanti wiyani (08/07/2017 11:38)
Cozy place quiet and peaceful chill music
travenesia (08/05/2017 20:23)
Good vibe, good place. Delicious food and cozy place to hangout with lovely friends.
Anak Setya (02/07/2017 06:45)
Sayang, tempatnya sih lumayan oke. Kopinya sih biasa. Nyetel musiknya terlalu kenceng...bikin Gak nyaman
Agen Supercopy (24/06/2017 22:00)
Good food, medium coffee.