Komentar :
Yusrina FAR (17/05/2018 15:27)
Because it has fast wifi connection and I think the food's price are suitable for college students plus the place is very cozy. Recommended for those who want to study or even just hang out with friends.
Rizqi Fadhilah (09/12/2017 22:53)
Intan Mujihariyati (27/10/2017 02:36)
Great price, great wifi, great food,
Dery Andrian Romadhon (26/08/2017 04:22)
Comfort, cozy, quiet place. There are menu named "Ayam Kampus" i like that and not forget free WiFi
rosidha ayuningtyas (10/05/2017 09:10)
This place is very cozy and you can taste my favourite food here there is 'Ayam Kampus', i love it so much
And you can play some fun game, then unstoppable wifi, yihaaa~
Kirana Rahmayanti (28/02/2017 13:11)
I really loved this place and i recommend this cafe to you all
Yusuf Isma'il (07/10/2017 14:06)
cheap and tasty food
Rezha Hadyan (30/08/2017 14:50)
Good place
Fadhel Baramulih (14/06/2017 21:19)
Good place for students
Nanda Giovani (28/02/2017 13:13)
Uuh too cozy to leave the place
Alvin Arkansas (28/02/2017 13:12)
Bisa ngapa-ngapain di sini. Ngerjain tugas nggak perlu keluar lagi buat ngeprint. Bisa sambil main & ngumpul-ngumpul juga. Instagrammable juga. Ini tempat yang selama ini kamu cari-cari!
Iman Kurniawan (25/02/2017 04:08)
Tempatnya asikkk bangettt!!! Pas buat mahasiswa mahasiswaa!!!😍😍😍
Maju terusss!!!!!
Hisra Malikha (25/02/2017 04:06)
Recommended banget sih buat nongki sama temen temen sekalian ngerjain tugas juga👌👌👌
Mahasiswa Corner (24/02/2017 22:49)
Tempat yang cocok banget buat mahasiswa ngerjain tugas, laporan, skripsi dan buat nongkrong juga pastinya, tersedia makanan dan minuman yang enak dan pas dikantpng mahasiswa