Komentar :
AGALIVIR Asotnes (01/09/2017 04:42)
Biggest mosque in Jodoh
Ramlee Tamin (24/02/2017 01:03)
This mosque is walking distance from town. The upper storey is used for teaching. Fully pack during Friday prayers. It can accommodate about 300-350 people.
arraiyan (28/12/2016 11:01)
Comfortable place, and very clean
Maulana Gituri (16/07/2016 08:31)
this masjid is unique
Solehin Sabtu (23/02/2016 11:36)
Undergoing rennovation as of 02/2016 , please do be informed. InsyAllah the works will be done proper and due time....
suhiman rasmad (21/05/2016 08:05)
Ratna balai oli (30/09/2016 11:04)
Nyaman sekali untuk beribadah.strategis dr arah mana saja
m salim (02/06/2016 02:05)
Mesjid yang indah ditengah kota