Komentar :
Yanting Tay (04/04/2018 02:47)
Famous for their Curry Rice & Mie Kacang
IQRO' TV (29/03/2018 16:48)
Nice Coffee Available.
alexkoh joo keng (10/02/2018 02:35)
Strong coffee with delicious local delights. Yummy
AGALIVIR Asotnes (27/08/2017 14:56)
Cheap breakfast. Meerebu n longtong
dea chinantya (02/08/2017 08:03)
The concept of coffee shop here's is a little bit different with any other modern coffee shop. Here, you can find yourself a good breakfast or meal and mostly they not just sell coffee. The price also reasonable enough
Adi Daen Fahmi (01/10/2017 14:10)
Coffee? Just don't order ice coffee
HARRY TRIAD (20/08/2017 23:41)
Endarwati Suwarno (13/06/2017 14:36)
Mie lendirnya enaaak..selalu ramai di pagi hari,,kadang2 harus antri utk dpt kursi,, kaya toastnya jg crunchy..sila dicuba..😉
Rio Aspan Batam (17/09/2016 14:13)
Mie Lendirnya Enak dan terkenal sebagai makanan khas Batam