Komentar :
Chandra Setyawan (02/06/2018 08:31)
Nice place
Ilham Putra (01/04/2018 05:06)
Pabric areas
Murliani Chaniago (16/03/2018 12:20)
Nice nice
Slamet Subagiyo (23/02/2018 16:30)
titik romawati (21/12/2017 15:43)
This is industrial place very comfortable and clean absolutely no traffic
Abid Affandi Wedatama (10/11/2017 17:45)
Big industrial park with high quality of infrastructure and services. You will feel another taste of Batam here, the cleanliness, the walkable pedestrian road, the urban tree canopy, the huge open space and other good amusement area is different with the other side of Batam.
Andi Suseno (24/11/2017 06:09)
good place
WIDODO RIYADI (10/10/2017 06:35)
Good industrial complex
Chris Ray (08/10/2017 13:35)
Big Industrial area
Sudiyono Sdy (30/08/2017 03:08)
Good place
C P (27/08/2017 15:38)
Little Town
Sarwedi Thebest (23/08/2017 03:09)
Rad Daru (11/06/2017 13:11)
Best industrial state in batam with high secure system
solehuddin solehuddin (11/01/2017 13:29)
Kawasan industri terkenal di batam
wptyas (23/11/2016 07:23)
Pusat kendali gaji karyawan muka kuning, zaman th 95 kl pas gajian BIP pasti penuh karyawan yg antri ambil uang
Ria Saptarika (04/09/2016 03:40)
The Best Industrial estate in Batam.
suhiman rasmad (18/05/2016 09:14)
Akak Aisyah (13/11/2016 03:23)
Tetepi kenapa susah cari kerja PT" ini
Hidayat Man (23/10/2016 13:21)
Banyak lapangan kerja sini, gak susah cari kerja dibatam
m salim (02/06/2016 17:47)
Kawasan industry electronic batam
Kamal Kpn (04/03/2016 17:42)
Nga k suka ajch