Klinik Bersalin Praktik Mandiri Bidan BPS Adya Mysha CENTRE (Siti Sarah Citra Hati, S.Keb.,Bdn))
About Klinik Bersalin Praktik Mandiri Bidan BPS Adya Mysha CENTRE (Siti Sarah Citra Hati, S.Keb.,Bdn))
Klinik Bersalin Praktik Mandiri Bidan BPS Adya Mysha CENTRE (Siti Sarah Citra Hati, S.Keb.,Bdn)) is a health, located at Jl. Kebun Karet, Loktabat Utara, Kec. Banjarbaru Utara, Kota Banjar Baru, Kalimantan Selatan 70721, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 511 4783792 for more detailed information.
Dahlia Mahdi
" 01 09 2020, thank God, September we start with a beautiful one, thank you to the mother who has entrusted the midwives at PMB adya mysha as a labor companion "
01 September 2020Muhamad Sholihin
" Bps Adya Mysha is a maternity clinic that really recommends good service, friendly bidets, clean place and easy to find. my child was born here and the next will come here again hehe "
30 August 2020Darussalam Ginanjar
" Good service and facilities, friendly midwives. . My first child was born in BPS Adya Mysha, and now the second one is joining the pregnancy exercise program and routine check-ups here. . Thank you Mother Siti Sarah and team for the service. .???????? "
21 August 2020Lendl Delapan Dua
" Mendapatkan sertifikat kelahiran..😘 "
06 May 2019Lendl Delapan Dua
" Mendapatkan sertifikat kelahiran..😘 "
06 May 2019Lendl Intapura
" Klinik bersalin bidan praktek mandiri 24 jam yang mendukung gentle birth dan IMD, dilengkapi class senam hamil, prenatal yoga, hypno birthing, konselor asi, imunisasi weekend serta terafiliasi dg Admyh Baby Home (penitipan bayi 0-1 tahun), tersedia mobil ambulance 24 jam untuk antar jemput pasien bersalin. "
26 July 2018Wiwik Worodewi
" Tempat mudah di cari...dipinggir jln bersih ada kegiatan senam bumul...pelayanan bagus..para bidannya sngt ramah ...sabar n terlaten....Bidan Sarah sdh cantik ....sabar n cekatan....biaya persalinan ngg mahal ...bisa sekalian diurusakan pem bikinan Akte jadi kita ngg susah2 ngurus bikin Akte...biaya persalinan terjangkau...n dibantu mandiin baby smpe putus tali pusat bun....jg ada imun u.baby...n ada mainan anak biar baby2 ngg jemu.nunggui mm periksa... "
25 April 2018Budi Susilo
" Lumayan "
21 March 2018Prayudirt Prayudirt
" Tempat rujukan 24 jam buat orang tua yg mempunyai dedek bayi "
04 January 2018Muhammad Sauqie
" Sangat bagus pelayanan nya 👍 "
16 December 2017