Komentar :
indra sembilan (02/06/2018 14:41)
Blanja murah dsni
Yayu Lux (15/04/2018 10:03)
Harga terjangkau
Uvita Dua (21/02/2018 04:16)
Kebutuhan sehari hari...
Dekat kampus..
Pelayanan sangat ramah
locked hyg (21/01/2018 06:33)
Lebih murah dari swalayan lain di sekitar Karangwangkal & Grendeng, pelayanan ramah, cukup komplit. Hanya saja ada beberapa barang yang tidak tercantum harganya membuat bingung.
Epifani Gabriella (03/12/2017 08:17)
There's no spaces for 2 people. And too crowded
Dian Trisna Delfyan (22/10/2017 18:42)
Since it's the nearest convenience store from my Current rent room, I wouldn't complain in detail. The stuff they sell is complete enough, you can find almost every stuff you can find in other convenience store. The services and the cashiers are not quite good tho, they barely smile at me although I come almost everyday. They usually thank me, but never said it in a proper way ( look at me directly and say it), they thank me in a way like... Almost grumbling 😅
Dian Delfyan (22/10/2017 18:42)
Since it's the nearest convenience store from my Current rent room, I wouldn't complain in detail. The stuff they sell is complete enough, you can find almost every stuff you can find in other convenience store. The services and the cashiers are not quite good tho, they barely smile at me although I come almost everyday. They usually thank me, but never said it in a proper way ( look at me directly and say it), they thank me in a way like... Almost grumbling 😅
durotul alfiyah (04/10/2017 08:07)
Suka tempatnya
wiraji sutria (19/09/2017 01:35)
Strategis tempatnya
Qomaruddin Bin Bahr (04/09/2017 01:29)
Tokonya bagus
kabul Setiawan (03/09/2017 08:34)
Lumayan lengkap, gausah jalan kaki jauh ke alfa-indo.