Komentar :
Asep Syaefudin (08/06/2018 14:31)
Penempatan rak baru, lebih luas, lebih lengkap. Pelayanan ramah, selalu free kardus untuk packing.
Vania Vania (07/06/2018 18:44)
beli kacang ijo disini beberapa wktu lalu, pas saya mau masak eh banyak kutunya udah bolong2 kacang ijonya dimakan kutu.. harganya jg lebih mahal drpd di tempat lain
Rully Chalil (29/05/2018 10:29)
Now its just newly renovated, clean, organized. Thanks for improvement on your outlet. But...i prefer the previous layout. Current layout is a bit too narow; although the space reminds unchanged. Please consider the superindo @ piset square.
Fajar Kusnadi (25/12/2017 14:48)
Nice place for buying groceries with free parking for transaction above 100k
budirahardjo88 winasis (17/10/2017 01:53)
Maybe this is the one superindo outlet that lies in the center of the city. Has a convenient space and interior. The most clean from all of their outlet. Also their spacious parking area will give you the pleasure of shopping. But comparing to their competitor especially Yogya Group this outlet needs to be rejuvenated.
Ersan Suria Pranoto (02/09/2017 02:52)
It's not a complete shopping mall
Andhiputra Abidin (29/06/2017 08:55)
Stephen Lee (27/02/2017 04:30)
Nice products are offered here.
They fry and grill seafood with no extra charge.
Anxious Night Sky (13/08/2017 04:24)
Overall good place
EvronStore (10/07/2017 05:00)
good price, good product
Teja Pamela (05/07/2017 09:06)
Free parking with minimal purchase
ilham Ardhiawan (06/06/2017 06:27)
nothing special here
rental mobil bandung (04/06/2017 14:30)
Tempat belanja nyaman & murah. Sering promo lagi...
Anida Krisstini (04/12/2016 09:30)
Lokasinya berada di tengah, antara permukiman, hotel, rumah sakit, perkantoran, dan jalur transportasi. Barang yang dijual relatif berkualitas dengan harga yang bersaing.
Akhmad Hidayat (24/11/2016 03:34)
Nyaman belanja disini...tempatnya tidak terlalu ramai.....
Ikhsan Burhanudin (28/09/2016 14:45)
Pernah ke sini
Billy Wirawan (21/08/2016 06:52)
mari belanja
Iwan Mulyana (24/04/2016 08:28)
Super market cocok buat ibu 2 utk keperluan rumah tangga.
Lengkap. .buat yg bujangan bisa beli ikan laut atau tawar yy bisa dimasak sekalian..
Tempat parkir lumayan luas. Biaya parkir murah. Hanya ada ATM BCA.