Komentar :
Ajie Teguh R (18/05/2018 13:39)
As an alumni from this junior high school i proud to say that this school have a strict rules and as a result the student as well as the teacher be aware of they duty. SMPN 9 has the longest area in bandung as long as i know, not the narrowest. Almost 1/10 area from jalan semar is occupied by SMPN 9. This school has a great mosque too and huge field. The capacity of toilet is adequate. My favorite place is the canteen, they sell very affordable food and bavarages. Its been 15 years since i come to this place, but i hope my review is not outdated.
Gilang Wiguna Pratama (31/10/2017 13:55)
Unforgetable memory
Afrizal Hamzah (13/04/2017 09:45)
nice job principal
Deniar N F (24/08/2016 06:02)
Alumni 2010😂
Ramadani Gitana (25/12/2015 19:29)
My school
Ryan Alwi (22/08/2015 04:29)
kemal aditya (14/06/2017 22:31)
Smpn 9 bandung bisa bisa bisa!!!
Siti Nurfauziana (24/12/2016 23:41)
Farel Cipz12 (15/08/2016 10:30)
smp 9 bisa