Komentar :
laura khairunnisa (10/05/2018 03:04)
Fiksasi exhibition by Lixil X Aboday
ridwan arifin (12/04/2018 14:12)
Terletak di pusat kota Bandung, bangunan memliki style colonial nih, denahnya memanjang. Jalan bgian depan ada jalan besar cuma satu arah, pernah pesen gojek lumayan cepet dia ngakes kesini, selain itu terdapat area duduk duduk dengan memiliki tipe yg beda beda ada yng berbentuk lingkaran, modern dan simpel dengan ornament klasik dibawahnya.
Sammy Anthony (12/02/2018 10:27)
I was there for architectural exhibition that once held. On the front, there's a cafe and when entering further through it that's the place of the exhibition.
There's no proper parking place so you may just park in front of it (on the road) or find somewhere else to park.
Farhan Deniansah (06/02/2018 13:06)
Its a cozy cafe to hangout and have a small garden and gallery in the inside with a vintage theme
Yogie K. Junior (24/01/2018 05:07)
the exhibition event mixed with a cup of great taste coffee and traditional snack
Anita Ilma N (07/01/2018 15:38)
I love how the facade just look like your usual homey coffee shop with antique chairs and when you walk inside, there is a gallery with some inner courts (and you cam bring your coffee inside too).
esti hapsari (04/10/2017 00:26)
A well preserved colonial building. Its an art gallery with a coffee shop Sarasa at the entrance. Nice ambiance. I love their floor. 😍
Iqbal Viali (07/11/2017 15:56)
Art space dengan caffe didepanya. Seruu seruuan, makanya di sekitar situ bnyk lg
Faris Katili (16/08/2015 00:32)
Walaupun koleksinya dikit, tapi tempatnya bagus terawat sekali dan bagus bagus karyanya.