Komentar :
esthu prasetio (14/04/2018 01:36)
Agus Sutia (24/01/2018 07:59)
Kalo lewat saya pst mampir bentar biasa kl gak isi bbm plg numpang solat
mr.apriansyah (29/07/2017 05:21)
Have a Nitrogen Depot
Yogi Prasetya (07/07/2017 09:52)
Jeanne Yonne (14/02/2017 18:46)
It's convenient to have SPBU at this area since Cihampelas street is mostly in heavy traffic.
Jay Idoan Sihotang (01/12/2015 11:24)
Their petrol metering is great, and there's a nitrogen depot at the corner of the gas station