Komentar :
dany hermawan (25/04/2018 10:41)
Nice place
Si Git (03/02/2018 01:41)
Cahya Sukma Riyandi (25/12/2017 17:55)
dinno mulyono (22/12/2017 22:16)
Good bus kramat djati station but less in clean
benediktus galih pradipta (16/11/2017 16:57)
Fair price, busses quite old.
A Glenn (28/07/2017 07:30)
This is one of the most well known transportation service in Bandung. The destinations are several regions in Java and Sumatera (several destinations are international tourist destinations such as Jogja). This place is the headquarters and you can buy tickets here.
mas wahjoe (20/09/2017 09:09)
AG (28/07/2017 07:30)
This is one of the most well known transportation service in Bandung. The destinations are several regions in Java and Sumatera (several destinations are international tourist destinations such as Jogja). This place is the headquarters and you can buy tickets here.
Novi Yan Sari (19/03/2017 14:22)
Tempat nya nyaman tuk nunggu bus kramatjati ke berbagai daerah.. Kebetulan saya dan keluarga pernah ksni.. Oiaa bus nya datang ontime logh👍
Kristyohadi Trissuwantoro (14/02/2017 15:15)
This place is the headquarter of Kramat Djati, a commercial nationwide bus armada, runs by private company.
yusi yusmiati (09/02/2017 23:35)
Kumpul dulu mau baksos the relieving hunger
Joko Waluyo (21/01/2017 09:04)
Option if you wanna use a bus to travel.
Dian S (18/12/2016 12:02)
Tempat penjualan tiket Bis Malam Cepat dari bandung ke luar kota. Tempatnya cukup besar karena agen pusat. Ruang tunggunya cukup bersih.
Rhesa Ruliff Elian (18/12/2016 08:23)
Public transportation, if u want to go another region..
acut tea (03/08/2016 09:04)
Imron Anshori (19/08/2016 06:09)
tempatnya lumayan nyaman & bersih. pas pertama kali tiba disini jangan lupa check in dulu ke mbak-mbaknya. yang disayangkan, parkirnya tidak ada yang mengatur.
Fuady Johan (16/07/2016 07:53)
Kramajatoli bdgpl
Samuel Liputra (09/12/2015 05:32)
Rame banget
Upa Jojo (27/11/2015 07:49)
Terbaik deh ..
Nugroho Yulianto (26/07/2015 05:34)
ookey baget