Komentar :
Aries Saputra (01/11/2017 04:50)
Even this hospital is the biggest hospital in Aceh province, but the service is really worst. I had an experience two months ago when I took my friend there, then a lady nurse at Accident and Emergency Department (UGD) was so arrogant and act like she is a senior doctor there, but the truth is, she is only a nurse. They should be nice and kind to the patient. I was thinking that, because of the service is worst, acehnese people better choose the hospital in Penang, Malaysia. Other side, this hospital is too many people. It seems like this is not a hospital anymore, but it seems like a traditional market.
ROBERT SWALLOW (16/07/2017 04:24)
Alma Aletta, MD, MPH (20/02/2017 13:52)
In dire need of sufficient parking area
ruslan arahman (05/09/2016 01:44)
green public hospital
ahmad zaki (15/08/2016 02:15)
To much people..
Ady itu bondan (19/01/2015 12:30)
best hospitals
rahmi keumala (05/05/2013 04:40)
Here again
Ahmad Zaki (15/08/2016 02:15)
To much people..
Baylul Aufa (13/03/2015 17:02)
Le that nyamok
Nova Aman Ariadi (23/08/2014 12:44)
Ngantrinya minta ampun... yg sakit ga ketulungan kalo gini
antonio iyan (04/07/2014 17:36)
Zoel The Kops (05/05/2014 04:09)
Antrian Panjang Di Poli Bedah Saraf
reza gutiadi (04/02/2014 03:05)