Komentar :
Naz Irul (17/05/2018 17:18)
Best service. Motornya baik2. Orgnya juga baik2. Moga terus success. From malaysia
Rental Motor Banda Aceh (18/01/2018 19:40)
Indonesia's transport system has been shaped over time by the economic resource base of an archipelago with thousands of islands, and the distribution of its more than 200 million people highly concentrated on a single island, Java
All transport mode play a role in the country’s transport system and are generally complementary rather than competitive. Road transport is predominant, with a total system length of est 438,000 km in 2008.
And here we are to serve you by AcehGroundTransport. 😉
Javier Eriansyah (02/01/2018 16:18)
The transportation here is very good.
teuku ilham (02/01/2018 16:07)
Thanks for service. I like the scooter 😊
jackloem back (23/12/2017 14:17)
Good bike, I like it. Thanks bro
Berkah Rent Motor (28/11/2017 18:36)
Best fast respon friendly owner keep it up
Lam Sagow (23/12/2017 14:13)
Nice owner and good service.
Lukman Afdal (28/11/2017 18:07)
The Best Motor Rent in Aceh recomended foo yea all Backpacker...
Motor Rent Banda Aceh (08/11/2017 05:33)
If you need a motorcycle or scooter matic for rent, just call. 😊
~Torrent banda aceh~