Komentar :
Niken Bellani (19/05/2018 14:57)
Sering antri disini
Gibran Hawwari (09/04/2018 21:43)
Often crowded of premium's user. Better use pertalite or pertamax.
Tamsil Akbar (14/02/2018 01:22)
Accurate fuel meter
Gery Kurnia (28/11/2017 12:04)
Good place to refueling your vehicle.
Ook Heryanto (23/11/2017 00:03)
Some times the place is so crowded.
fanani (03/05/2017 06:07)
Full with choice , Pertamax, Pertalite, premium, but will take time if it crowded with Angkot
tommy pramono (02/04/2017 06:09)
The only one gaz station who serves well clienta