Komentar :
Desi Nia (01/05/2018 08:10)
Sambalnya kurang mantap dan ikan bakarnya plain.
Adrianus Yosia (06/04/2018 11:26)
The foods are very tasty. We can choose our own fish and ask the cook to prepare the dish that we want. Either we want to fry, soup, or grill it. It is easy to parking here to. Nice!
Brave Rikaz (03/02/2018 13:28)
Delicious seafood here
Ian Karnadi Laksmono (17/10/2017 04:52)
The place is clean.
Good food for good belly
Room inside is cool although without AC
You get to pick your own fish to cook
Price quite reasonable
Jurnie Darakay (01/09/2017 01:36)
The food price is very reasonable. The best place for eating roasted fish with its varied chilly sauce
Jehoo Rhmn (17/08/2017 04:37)
One of famous restaurants in Ambon that serves authentic cuisine.
I order Ikan Kuah Kuning, Papeda, and Gandaria Juice.
When you order, they let you choose the frozen fresh fish in the fridge. Though, the fish's eyes are red, shows that it's not that fresh. But still fine.
The kuah kuning is very delicious. They serve it with proper dining tools. They also serve veggies and sambal colo-colo in three variants.
The staffs are helpfull too.
Muhammad Hatta Al Ula (17/09/2017 06:44)
Good place for seafood seeker
raditya arizal p (06/09/2017 23:58)
Makanan laut terkenal di Ambon, wajib nyobain gulai ikannya seger dan enak banget
Kristian Sarles Hasugian (20/06/2017 00:21)
I like the menu. Fresh and yummy
Agustinus Songupnuan (23/05/2017 04:33)
Fried fishes and Soup
Rental Mobil (22/05/2017 01:03)
Tempatnya bersih,nyaman pelayanannya ramah, makanannya enak