Komentar :
Aditya S. Retraubun (17/03/2018 05:24)
Great restaurant, close by from everywhere. Small parking place, but makes up with great nasi bakar ikan teri.
timothy santoso (21/11/2017 22:52)
Nice ambience, not that clean, food wasn't really nice
amalia masyitta (13/10/2017 01:30)
Nice place, nice interior, nice lokal ambon, i like its design with amboina word, and comfortable
Kristian Sarles Hasugian (04/06/2017 11:46)
The food was just moderate but the ambiance was cozy.
Naomi Adhi (27/05/2017 09:29)
Good place and ambience but the food is just ok..
Jusak Patty (27/09/2017 05:16)
This place is is really comfortable and attractive.
Fanny Lekatompessy (14/09/2017 05:03)
It's a nice place
Oetami Anggoro (01/09/2017 11:20)
Rujak patita.....mantaaab
La Nyoman Mulyadi (16/07/2017 00:45)
Tempat untuk seluruh masyarakat indonesia yg ingin merasakan Masakan Khas AMBON
Christian .R™ (09/07/2017 10:00)
Baru 1 kali ke tempat ini.
Nyaman, Design ruangannya jg oke.
Untuk menu, Kepiting lada hitam boleh dicoba. Joss
Ibhenk Yudha (25/03/2017 01:18)
Tempat makan yg tenang n nyaman
Vitha Satumalay (25/12/2016 22:30)
Tempatnya bagus untuk gumpul gumpul bareng sama keluarga,teman teman dll
Grace Sahu (18/07/2016 08:59)
Karena udh banyak tempat tongkrongan rame full music, tempat ini lebih nyaman apalagi kalau hujan. Suasananya tenang.