Komentar :
Abe Laksmono (24/05/2018 04:15)
Good price, good service, strategic locate.. Recommended
Debora Widiansa Making (02/04/2018 02:05)
What i like about this place is it has a large conference room that can be used for meeting.. The building is nice, Eventhough not so luxury.. I also like their services from the front desk, the manager and the staff.. But, the minus for me is the toilet at the first floor near the meeting room. There is no separation between man and woman, the area is quite small and a little bit unclean for me so its so inconvenience for someone to use the toilet.Beside that, at the lobby area you can still find people smoking without hesitation.. So, i am not pleased about that perhaps the management can do something about it, since we already have the government regulation about smoking in public.. For the food, nice, i like the food served here..Oh, btw, this hotel also have a small coffe shop at the balcony at first floor,nice spot to enjoy atmosphere of this city and see people doing their bussiness..
adhy rara (27/03/2018 12:37)
Burger.a the best
timothy santoso (18/03/2018 01:53)
Nice convenient place to stay. Centrally located in the mid town of ambon city, spacious room, food was quite nice. The dialooq cafe at the lobby is pretty cozy. But the bad things,they don't really maintain all the stuffs well and tidy, so it was messy in their construction finishing,yet, the floors at the 6th floor. Moreover, the room is a bit dusty. I even found a small cockroach in my bathroom..
M Syahrir Hariman (14/03/2018 07:42)
We need more good service all
Banjie Pat (28/02/2018 14:56)
adlun fiqri (22/10/2017 23:29)
Lobinya luas, restoran juga luas banget, ada tempat santai untuk menikmati pemandangan kota, akses ke minimarket dekat, internetnya kurang kencang dan rekomendasi lah.
Christian Matruty (13/10/2017 23:03)
Tao Jiang (21/09/2017 09:52)
Gangsar Sulistyarto (29/08/2017 21:55)
Nginep lima malam, fasilitas kamar cukup lengkap, sayang sinyal wifi lemah di 620
agus pramono (02/08/2017 12:36)
Mie kuahnya lezat
Kristian Sarles Hasugian (17/06/2017 05:13)
Mega Indo Bri-link (27/04/2017 11:40)
Cakep ...enak...nyaman....pas sesuai yg saya inginkan.
Brave Rikaz (28/03/2017 10:09)
Boleh tempat nongkrong cantik di cafe na
Dwi Herusulistijono (16/03/2017 02:28)
Lokasi strategis dan pelayanan yang ramah serta bangunan yang relatif baru, sebenarnya modal yang bagus. Namun ada beberapa hal cukup mengganggu seperti pegangan pintu kamar mandi yang rusak, laporan tentang remote tv rusak yang tidak direspon, dan handuk yang terlambat datang. Jadi berpikir ulang apabila mau nginap di sini lagi.
bepe Pur (15/11/2016 10:02)
Pelayanannya lambat
Muna Tahir (18/10/2016 07:49)
Kebersihan kamar kurang, makanannya tdk fariatif, akses ke lantai 2 lebih sering tdk berfungsi.
erwin lie (07/10/2016 01:23)
Near Central City, Good Bed, Nice Room
Sutanto Tanuwijaya (06/10/2016 23:05)
Hotel yang tidak jelas bintangnya.
Kamar Banyak kerusakan dan kebersihan sangat parah.
Kami checkin sebanyak 3 kamar.
Kami harus pindah2 kamar sampai 3-4 Kali karena KOTOR Berdebu dan bau 'apek' Serta bau rokok.
Ada juga yang klosetnya tidak tertanam dgn benar (goyang membahayakan), ada yang langit-langit kamar ada yg bocor, seprei+selimut sangat kotor dan sobek-sobek.
Lift mati.
Kami sangat tidak rekomendasi untuk tinggal dihotel ini untuk acara apapun juga.
fahrudin muhammad (03/06/2016 09:32)
hotel baru (kayaknya), setidaknya baru renov. agak kurang bersih ... tapi ok
oman siahay (08/09/2016 01:00)
uswah Khasanah (13/05/2016 06:32)
Mantap hotelnya
Domino Tigor (16/09/2015 20:09)
Dekat kantor gubernur , access kemana mana lancar.
Vivien Ariany (27/10/2014 22:25)
Saya suka
Yuli Yanti (20/09/2014 12:11)
Mantap saya suka