Komentar :
Filsuf Bukan Penyair (28/07/2020 12:12)
Harga murah dan diskonnya besar ?
ino maail (05/07/2020 09:40)
Rumah tempat tinggal.
Jerry Putinella (12/02/2020 14:14)
Komputer acer all in kami sdh dua kali di servis tapi penyakitnya tidak hilang malahan layar depan jadi lecet.
Johny Tan (14/09/2019 03:14)
Sales and service center various brand.
Muhammad Fadli (06/04/2019 23:58)
I went to Hitech Computer to search for DVI to HDMI/VGA connector for my new workstation. There are 2 others computer store beside hitech comp. I got my connector in hitech comp. It is realy hard to find the connector but hitech has it. We can pay using some debit or credit card at there.
Kenarimalam (05/05/2018 16:54)
Axhs Axhsin (21/11/2015 17:15)
service laptop,komputer serta printer segala macam merk dan kerusakan