Komentar :
Fachri Tanjung (11/05/2018 03:32)
Nice coffe and meals, friendly staff
Hugo Rodrigues (13/01/2018 07:50)
Lovely place, nice atmosphere, staff always ready to help.
Eddy Irawan (31/08/2017 09:50)
Nice Venue, great Coffee
Dimas Kurniawan (10/08/2017 01:22)
Took last order and waiters patiently wait us until we finished
Sri Arnita (02/05/2017 10:27)
Delicious, cozy...but a little bit expensive
ahmad syaifuddin (26/01/2017 21:38)
Do not compare with other excelso in other cities. They are simplier, but nice in the middle of ambon.
Soeltan Sahat Tobing (17/08/2017 09:04)
Good place for cofee
Bing Hermawan (21/03/2017 12:22)
Ok sip
Igor Darkov (25/01/2017 00:45)
Tempat yg cukup cozy untuk sedikit bersantai
Mifta Huljanna (02/01/2017 16:36)
Tempat yg oke untuk nongkrong bila ingat kopi yg pas
Godlief Solim (22/08/2016 01:30)
Akha Niest (30/11/2015 14:25)
Santai bro....