Komentar :
Marvin Laurens (21/04/2018 08:52)
Cheap place in the middle of the city
Ade Ge (07/04/2018 03:54)
Nice place
Kim indy (26/03/2018 14:07)
Comfy place for people who want to sit and enjoy coffee
Ridwan Syeban (10/03/2018 23:44)
beatiful place with many more classic items
Ai walla (28/02/2018 11:14)
Desainnya bagus, terlihat seperti desain-desain zaman dulu👌
Sukses untuk caffenya☕
Sinta Sinay (22/02/2018 12:18)
Tempatnya enak, makananya muran dan enak juga.. Cocok buat kamu yang ingin nongkrong dengan teman-teman..
Douglas Koster (21/02/2018 03:51)
What a nice place to sip your coffee. The trendy place has a design/eclectic furnishing/decoration. The coffee is brewed like it should. Snacks like the old favorites Martabak, Pisang Goreng Crispy Keju are served. The staff is very enthusiastic and helpful. We surely visit again.