Komentar :
Andrea Zoia (16/05/2018 09:16)
A nice small and cozy place with a good selection of menu items. The drinks menu also looks inviting, but haven't tried the coffee yet. The food arrives hot and tasty and the service is efficient and friendly. WiFi password is given and there are outlets to charge your tech gear. Pleasant background music caps it all off. If you want a nice place to relax or catch up with friends you have found it.
Don Jo (07/04/2018 08:01)
Tempatnya agak panas tapi minuman enak
azis kuba (17/03/2018 06:26)
Mencari espresso. Waduh gak tersedia. Padahal itu menu basic skill barista sungguhan. Hahaha. Yah... terpaksa pesan kopi hitam aja deh. Dan, pesanan kopinya sekejap datang. Hahahaha.... gak ada saran!
alexander maurits (14/01/2018 02:23)
Cikal Bsa (31/10/2017 15:24)
tasty image of coffee taste, barista coffee gives inspiration in giving idea to work, I like that
atina handayani (30/10/2017 10:06)
A good regular coffe shop
Fadjrin Rumra (14/03/2017 19:22)
Iwan Gayonasia (23/08/2017 03:44)
Kopinya hanya robusta..
Izoel Syamsu (18/07/2017 09:26)
Jossss memang
Fendy Efendy (13/06/2017 05:39)
Tempat minum kopi dan aneka minuman lainnya yg cocok banget utk semua kalangan. Ga hny org tua & laki-laki saja, wanita & anak-anak jg bisa
rudy lie (13/06/2017 04:38)
Marianne Zustien Ngantung (09/03/2017 04:40)
Iced chocolate lumayan enakk.. asik juga buat nongkrong anak2 muda...
Agunawan Opa (20/08/2016 07:54)
Kopi lattenya mantaf alias es kopi susu ...
Kurniawan Junianto Porawouw (12/07/2016 23:42)
Tempat ngopi paling kece se-kota Ambon
marzuki mustofa (04/03/2016 04:18)
Tempat ngopi yang pas buat anak muda