Komentar :
yusrinaiman (07/09/2020 12:12)
Prices are as stated on the Polygon website, good service, everything is explained. Initially, I started cascade 4, but the next day I was called, I was told I had come to my bike, mantull ????????
Mr gudal (26/08/2020 07:53)
I like it just not getting bonuses like bottles or bottle boards ????
Agus A B (27/07/2020 08:55)
Whole sales service service ...
Satisfied anyway, question and answer ok
widiyanto tato (05/07/2020 09:55)
super friendly seller
prices according to the official polygon price list
I hope I can quickly x6 LE
minions . (02/06/2020 04:22)
adakah yang tau nomor telepon toko sepeda merpati wonosobo?
Yuvens Audi Baruna (12/11/2019 15:43)
Lengkap banget di toko ini, segala macam sepeda ada, dari yg buat anak sampai sepeda gunung ada disini
SOUL 23 (30/07/2019 12:03)
fredy dewanto (09/02/2019 15:16)
Yang jaga ramah dan baik
DARIWY BEWE (11/11/2018 13:32)
Mudah dijangkau, menyediakan bebagai macam sepeda, harga terjangkau ...