Komentar :
Pin 63 (01/03/2020 23:03)
Nikki Sahala (01/02/2020 11:18)
if you look for child things in wsb..
Munir official (30/01/2020 04:02)
Good job
Hepi Nurhuda (03/01/2020 16:20)
Icha Neysa (25/08/2019 10:44)
I love this place
Stevi Yean Marie (21/12/2018 12:42)
located on the street Ahmad Yani. shopping centers that are good and often visited by consumers, especially during holidays and the end of the year. It's a pity that it's often disappointing for home-based goods suppliers.
Anto Ni (06/12/2018 23:57)
dya Agrilinnda (28/09/2019 04:27)
Not bad
fredy handria (29/08/2019 13:26)
Nice grocery
Indah indriyani (12/06/2019 03:23)
good place for shopping
Wasi Begawan (30/05/2019 12:07)
kristianto dwi (31/12/2018 03:09)
Ok fornshopping
Stevi Sundah (21/12/2018 12:42)
located on the street Ahmad Yani. shopping centers that are good and often visited by consumers, especially during holidays and the end of the year. It's a pity that it's often disappointing for home-based goods suppliers.
syah rizal (15/12/2018 04:35)
Good shopping center..
Chairuddin Uud (01/06/2018 13:20)
Cool supermarket
KUSWA ASMALI (13/04/2018 13:24)
No air con, very hot room
herman gegeh (09/04/2018 04:04)
eko adiyanto (08/03/2018 03:15)
Nice place for refreshing
Tinohadi Ekasaputra (15/02/2018 06:04)
Mall Zobo
Almaas Yumnaa (30/07/2017 11:34)
The price tag here are quite cheap. You can do your weekly or monthly shopping here and even you can get plenty of household things. And also there are kids playground on the third floor. One thing that you need to pay attention to is that the car's parking lot is pretty small. They often full
Siswana Purwadi (16/12/2017 07:49)
Untuk ukuran kota kecil sudah memadai dan lengkap, tempat nyaman dan pelayanan baik, tempat parkir memadai, akaes dari dua jalan esar
bowo arema (26/11/2017 06:16)
faozan akrom (11/11/2017 10:36)
Another shopping center in town
lasya rahmania (18/09/2017 14:20)
Tempat nya enak harganya bersahabat.....? Tempat bermain tuk anak 2 jg banyak
Agus Wowok (05/09/2017 22:36)
Harga relatif lebih murah , cukup lengkap , ramah , bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar ..
beday corby (22/08/2017 20:07)
Harga relatif murah. Cuma kurang komplit aja si.
Aini Mahfudhoh (02/08/2017 04:45)
Hrg relatif lbh murah, tp agak kurg tertata aja utk bju anak2, acak2an.
uzumaki hinami (27/07/2017 02:28)
It's small and have incomplete stuff..
naufal rasyid (22/06/2017 13:55)
lumayan rame
Faisal Kamal (20/04/2017 02:00)
Bagus, dan harganya juga tidak mahal. Hanya saja basement untuk parkir kurang luas
Mayke Saputri (16/04/2017 04:56)
Belum lengkap Tidak ada batik couple..
Jangkrik Jancuk (10/04/2017 14:29)
Pelayanan ramah....
Dimas Ramdhan (17/03/2017 09:28)
Harga aman 😊
Yohanes Dian Tri Nugroho (11/02/2017 01:16)
enjoy dah belanja di sini.... lengkap murah, paling suka game nya di lt.3 murah koinnya cepet dapet hadiahnya yang tangkap boneka bisa dapet trus.....hehehehe
rieski prihastuti (26/01/2017 11:01)
Salah satu toko yang lengkap yang buka sampai malam di Wonosobo
bakti sutrisno (17/01/2017 07:49)
Sipel saja. Bisa melayani oleh kita sendiri kebutuhannya sesuai kepwrluannya.
ruli k.a (22/08/2016 03:39)
barang nya lengkap dan terjangkau
Agus Klentenk Agus Klentenk (04/07/2016 10:41)
Go wonosobo...