Komentar :
Tiwul Mari Wonosobo (23/01/2020 08:37)
Good.. good.
Oemang Samson (16/10/2019 14:28)
Only short visit for quick lunch, not much to be observed, one get in my mind is the table close to the spacious parking lot. Sorry no for taken when I have my quick lunch.
Muhammad Hibban (02/08/2019 15:57)
Nice taste ????
Stevi Yean Marie (21/12/2018 10:58)
good place. fresh well and the food so delicious.
Lembaga Istana Rumbia (19/12/2018 03:43)
Alhamdulilah,... halal food. It's very delicious. Fresh well room for group discusion.
ari kusumawati (17/09/2018 10:31)
A nice place to have wedding party...food is delicious...
Ira Virdaningsih (04/05/2019 13:33)
Good food
arief wicaksono (11/01/2019 13:24)
Nice serve
Stevi Sundah (21/12/2018 10:58)
good place. fresh well and the food so delicious.
Artinus Kristantyo Adriaan (08/04/2018 14:46)
Nice place
anggoro wati (01/01/2018 03:30)
Old, New in malibu resto and caffe
shandy Dylant Unapi (27/12/2017 00:22)
The place is spacious but there's no smoking and non smoking table so it's disturbing if the people on the next table are smoking especially if you are bringing kids.
The food was not bad but not so good either, small portions, western menus also served with white rice even chicken cordon bleu
Erisa Noviati (18/11/2017 06:54)
Place for events, big area parking lot..
farah nur jannah (17/06/2017 01:54)
Love the place
Agung Sugiarto (08/10/2017 07:57)
Mau wisata ke dieng/wonosobo makan siang prasmanan/nasi dos bisa di rm wonoboga mantap.... Parkir luas bisa 7-8 bus.....
Narendi's Hijab (05/10/2017 09:23)
Rumah makan yg bisa digunakan juga sebagai alternatif gedung pernikahan, karena tempat cukup luas untuk tamu undangan hingga 500 orang
Intan Putri (13/08/2017 04:51)
Pas banget buat makan bareng keluarga besar
teguh indra (18/07/2017 02:22)
Tempat yg pas utk bikin acr besar...
Pitik Waliq (12/07/2017 06:10)
Rumah makan cukup enak di wobosobo
Ayu nurul aini (10/07/2017 08:41)
Good, space luas
Imam Suro (15/01/2017 00:23)
Siplah pokoknya
CALYA WISATA (01/08/2016 21:19)
Tempat parkir luas, ruangan juga cukup besar. Tak heran jika tempat ini sering digunakan untuk menyelenggarakan berbagai acara.
Hardi Agunadi (11/07/2016 06:59)
Suasananya nyaman, parkiran luas