Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Puncak Gunung Sindoro, 3152 Mdpl

Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Area Publik
Alamat: Canggal, Candiroto, Hutan & Sawah, Canggal, Candiroto, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56257, Indonesia
Rating: 4.80

Komentar :

Bayuarga Damar Sungkowo (18/05/2018 03:57)
Nice place

Charles Dharapak (25/04/2018 04:12)
Well worth the effort getting up here. Went on a weekday and it wasn’t crowded at all. Volcanic crater is truly spectacular.

Muhammad Rizkie (07/02/2018 09:54)
it takes 6-7 hours from heading 1 to the top. it is advisable at 11 am and above the climbers please go down because the sulfur smoke can hit you. This mountain is located on the border of Wonosobo district and Temanggung district of Central Java. above we can see sumbing mount, merapi mount and merbabu mount. from above we can see temanggung city and also see sunrise.

yusvari harza irawan (30/01/2018 02:48)
Stop vandalism and love your nature

sofan fitri (23/08/2017 17:46)
When me near death on solo tracking. But ahve good experience and good view.

Angger Prasetyo (30/06/2017 02:03)
Its quite crater with step arounding on peak Mt. sindoro

Sony Ganadhi (02/05/2017 17:10)
3136 Mosl.
This is the first time mountain that i climbed, 1996. Theres another story i left there.

Nurhabibie Rifai (01/10/2017 03:35)
A heaven on earth !!

Zula Zulfi (19/06/2017 08:20)
Kangen tempat ini

rudiwanto w (17/04/2017 06:07)
pendakian lewat jalur desa BANARAN lebih mantaps brow...cb deh

Ahmad Ihsan (13/03/2017 03:08)
Beautiful place

Phillips Dewantoro (07/03/2017 07:07)
Sangat indah. Ada hamparan luas di puncaknya. Pengen ke sini lagi. Puncak pertama di pulau jawa yg aku daki (2015)

Vodka Billy (01/02/2017 10:56)
Kalo kesini pasti ngerasa dapat panggilan dari saudaranya gunung sumbing

Karyadi Costrad (30/01/2017 20:09)
Nikmati indahnya Ke-Agungan-Nya.Baru sekali dulu masih sma

Muhammad Isnaini Zulkifli Nurul Ilmi (04/01/2017 09:22)
Routenya menyenangkan haha

Masrul Hidayatullah (05/10/2016 16:05)
Impossible is nothing

Eskit Novrazi (24/09/2016 04:12)
Very very awesome,explore mount indonesia

Motih Zamaludin (24/08/2016 02:28)
Puncak Sindoro, kisah klasik untuk masa depan

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Pos Pasar Watu, Gunung Sumbing
    Area Hutan, Pagersari, Tlogomulyo, Temanggung Regency, Central Java 56253, Indonesia
  2. Alun - Alun Sapuran
    Boto, Sapuran, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56373, Indonesia
  3. Alam Sewu
    Giripurno, Ngadirejo, Giripurno, Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 56255, Indonesia
  4. Makam Simbah KH IBROHIM
    Jl. Jawar No.25, Seandong, Blederan, Mojotengah, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56351, Indonesia
  5. Parks Garung SukaSuka garungkeren
    Jl. Dieng No.83, Selogiri, Garung, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56353, Indonesia
  6. Gn.Sindoro
    Damarkasiyan, Kertek, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
  7. Gn. Sumbing
    Purwojiwo, Kalikajar, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
  8. Watu Ondho pos 4 east route track mt sumbing
    Butuh, Tanggulanom, Selopampang, Temanggung Regency, Central Java 56262, Indonesia
  9. GARDEN TEA Bedakah
    Jalan Bedakah, Sawah, Damarkasiyan, Kertek, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56371, Indonesia
  10. Puncak Gunung Bismo
    Area Gn., Campursari, Kejajar, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56354, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 877-3111-1319
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