Komentar :
New Rohim (05/09/2020 14:45)
the registration section can be more refined to make the patient comfortable
Wiwit891pj Widya (23/05/2020 07:04)
Here there are a lot of complaints, yes, the doctor should give you any advice, just stay put and not make a prescription, doc here also consult pay hehehe, hopefully there is only improvement in the service, and the impression is really rushed, the service is no 1, hehehe, disappointed really hmm?
husni mubarox (07/03/2020 16:29)
Recomended buat yang mempunyai masalah jerawat
Siswana Purwadi (07/01/2020 12:23)
Pelayanan ramah dan cepat, dokternya sabar dan teliti, memberikan info secara jelas, tindakan cepat
Ulfa hishofi (24/12/2019 06:48)
Facial disini pakai yg harga 120rb.. alatnya pakai hf, penyedot komedo, uap, setrika wajah, alat yg dingin buat nutup pori2 yg udah kebuka..
Dan ga bersih 😭 sedih akutuu.. komedonya msh bnyk.. terapisnya terkesan keburu2 karna hari ini mau pulang kampung.. masa masuk jam 11.15 jm 12 udh keluar dong 😭 yaampun syedih akutuu..
dhonirul machiril (21/12/2019 11:25)
Praktik dokter sama apoteknya satu gedung tapi adm.nya sendiri sendiri
Tri tunisih (09/05/2018 15:33)
Dokter kulit yang melayani perawatan kulit wajah juga.. sangat ramah pelayanannya.... 👍